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At our staff meetings each week, our trainers discuss the clients of ours who are great examples of our “Core Values” and are crushing their goals.

Even during the pandemic with our clients doing “Virtual Training”, I noticed that there’s a common theme amongst those who are getting great results.

Just so you know, these are not people who have everything easy right now. Several of them are, in fact, people who have A LOT on their plates!

Amongst some of these people are:

  • A person who has lost business and had to completely change his way of operating & thinking in order to stay afloat
  • Another client of ours who has a business and has lost a huge chunk of revenue, during a time that would normally be her busiest, most profitable season
  • A married couple that trains with us at KW has been getting great results consistently, even though they’re both essential workers, trying to sell their home
  • Another client of ours is down 16 lbs, even though she is still working full time remotely and has had her 2 young kids at home, who were trying to maintain their schoolwork, in need of her attention

Any of these people could use their challenges as opportunities to put their health and fitness on hold, or to quit altogether, but the thing they all have in common is this: They have chosen to focus on what they CAN control, instead of what they can’t.

I’m listening to an audiobook from Jim Rohn and he talks about how so many people waste their time focusing on the things that they cannot change or control. He says “don’t waste your time taking the ‘why why why’ class”. Don’t focus your energy on the things you cannot change.

To be vulnerable here, my first postpartum workout a few weeks ago was HARD. I wanted to cry. I went to grab dumbbells for an overhead press (you know, the weights that I would usually grab), and I could barely get them up past my ears. My eyes started to well up and I turned bright red. I was frustrated, furious, annoyed, and I wanted to just stop altogether.

I had lost a bunch of upper body strength because, not only did I rest from exercise for 5 weeks after having Quinn, but my body obviously changed quite a bit the 9 months before that! Not to mention, my hormones have been all out of whack, hence the desire to cry…

I allowed myself to be upset for about a minute, then I decided to get back to work, I took a deep breath, and I picked up a lighter set of dumbbells.

If you have fallen off track during this quarantine, you have a choice to make. You can dwell on it, get upset and mad at yourself, go buy oreos and finish the entire box, and wallow in your own self pity, or you can give yourself permission to get mad for a minute, then start with a clean slate and get back to work!

Get upset for a minute, but then move forward. Focus your energy on what is in your control and in a few months, when you’re back in a good routine, you’ll look back and be proud of yourself for making the tougher choice.

My Challenge To You Is This: Focus your energy on what you CAN control. You will be happier, less stressed, and more successful in the long run in the pursuit of your goals- I PROMISE!

Thank you for taking the time to read this!- Mandy Webb, Co-Owner of KW Fitness